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What His Scars Declare!

by Dave Mudford © 2025

in my strength...

I am bruised by my scars
that go deeper than the skin,
unsure of my value
my breath - darkened by my sin.

Drowning in the shallows
with a heavy heart I swam,
lost by expectations
for I'm not sure who I am.

Smothered by grief and pain
choking on the dust of sorrow,
dwelling in my ruins
from other's dreams - I borrow.

in Christ...

I am healed by His scars
that declare what I am worth,
now sure of my value
my breath - is given new birth.

Diving into the depths
with a broken heart I learn,
found by amazing grace
my purpose is His concern.

Strengthened through grief and pain
clean, refreshed; new life I gain,
dwelling in His presence
not dependent on my strain.

Psalm 51:17 NIV My sacrifice, O God, is a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart you, God, will not despise.

Note: the "broken heart" mentioned in second last stanza is not referring to a heart that is unfixable but rather a contrite heart (one that is willing to surrender to God's will).

This poem was a finalist in the January 2025 poetry contest

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