The son of God was born this day,
Around this time or so they say.
He came for all the world you see,
To break our chains and set us free.
Our Savior, Jesus was his name;
Perfection in a human frame;
Unsinning in the whole of life;
Obedient in this land of strife.
Succeeding where all others failed,
Tempted tried yet he prevailed.
A new head for the human race,
Overflowing with mercy, filled with grace.
He came to do the Fathers will,
And did not shrink from Calvary's hill,
No debts he had that needed paid,
But all our sins on him were laid.
The perfect lamb carried our blame,
He took our sorrows and our shame.
For all our sins God was incensed,
Eternal suffering was condensed.
If this gift we will receive,
We have through grace a full reprieve.
His holy offering on that tree,
Has purged our sins and set us free.
But here is more than fresh new slate,
The gift of God indeed is great;
For righteousness we have no thread,
So Jesus gives us His instead.
Now Cleansed and clothed, the work is done,
Fully accomplished by the Son.
No merit needs to be accrued,
We serve now out of gratitude.
By faith in him we're justified,
As if we lived his life and died.
Faith as an empty hand receives,
If offers nothing, just believes.
Salvation never can be earned,
Such teaching needs to be unlearned,
For more than just a moral lift,
God offers us His perfect gift.