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In Jesus Holy Name

by Cheryl Strait © 2024

Here in the world, where sin abides,
there's no escape, no where to hide.
Here in my sin I'm sinking low,
and the darkness begins to flow.
And as the darkness gathered round,
I cried out, but the words were drowned.
There was no one that heard me cry,
as tears fell silent from my eyes.
Then the darkness, black as the night,
filled up the place, where once was light.
So in the darkness I remain,
no end in sight, who could I blame?
I then heard all about this man,
the Son of God, Savior for man.
His name so powerful to save.
so great, the dark will fade away.
So boldly I cried out His name,
and in the dark, salvation came.
Jesus forgive my sins today.
In Jesus holy name I pray.
The name of Jesus is so true,
shining so bright the dark withdrew.
His light now shines brightly for me.
He's always there, He's all I need.
Now I'll share His precious story,
and I'll share His love and glory.
I'll thank Him for mercy and grace,
for His love and taking my place.
Then one day we'll meet in heaven,
by His side to me He'll beckon.
I've praised from the nativity,
I'll now praise for eternity.

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