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Touching Words

by Eugene Whitney © 2023

When we use words without much thought
We may cause hurt to those
Who might be extra sensitive,
So, we add to their woes.

Instead, we can encourage friends
In a more cautious way,
By thinking out how we would feel
To hear our words replay.

The scriptures say to use soft words,
Responding to offense.
This calms the other person down
Without building a fence.

Our words that seek to bless our friends
Send messages so dear,
Appreciating who they are,
Gives words they love to hear.

Why does it seem so hard to say
What joy they give to us?
Our words can lift a person up,
Without a lot of fuss.

Kind words can comfort everyone.
They are from God above.
May God shine through each one of us
With touching words of love.

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