Ode to the Redemptive Grace
In crimson hues of sacrifice, behold the Son of Light,
Whose blood, like rivers pure, did flow to conquer sin's blight.
A love so vast, it knew no bounds, a grace to be told,
He bought our freedom with a price, a story to behold.
In Him, we find redemption's stream, our debts have been erased,
The stains of guilt are forever cleansed, in grace we are now bathed.
This gift, not won by silver's gleam nor gold's tender embrace,
But by the crimson tide that from His veins sin was erased.
With wisdom vast as heaven's arch, with insight deep as the sea,
The Lord of Life, His will did make, a miracle to see.
He laid the plan before the dawn, in ages long ago,
A scheme to reconcile in love, divine grace He came to show.
According to this grand design, through ages to unfold,
Christ came to live, to die, to rise, a story to behold.
In Him, the fullness of time did find its zenith's peak,
All things unite, in perfect harmony, His name we will speak.
The stars in the silent witness stand, the earth her praises sing,
Of this divine transaction, through the Son of God, who brings
the lost to be found, the dead to live anew,
The scattered flock into one fold, His love has pursued.
The riches of this grace He gives, they never shall deplete,
A fountain ever-flowing, a love that will repeat.
It reaches the lowest pit, then ascends to the loftiest throne,
Embracing every soul that takes Him as their own.
O wondrous plan, O perfect will, conceived before the dawn of time,
In Christ, we live, we move, we breathe, in Him, we find our rhyme.
With every pulse that beats within, let praises and hymns arise,
To God who gave His only Son, our sacrifice divine.
Now earth and heaven in sweet accord, their anthems forever blend,
For in this blood-bought pardon, sinners may now ascend.
No more to live in shadows deep, we're called to share His reign,
The promise is sealed by Jesus' blood, forever to remain.
The mystery once was hidden, now in the light we plainly see,
The Father's love is revealed in full, in Calvary's decree.
In Jesus, heaven's treasure is stored, for all to believe and claim,
The riches of redemption, in His name, are now to be proclaimed.
To Him who sits on high, all power and might belong,
Be endless praise, forever sung, in every tribe and tongue.
For through the cross, the chasm's wide, by sin was torn asunder,
In Christ, we stand redeemed in the light of God's great wonder.