I. The Consecrated Bond
Oh sacred union, forged of grace divine,
Where hearts once torn are now conjoined to find
Christ alone, our cornerstone, in whom we stand,
A bastion firm, forever joined hand-in-hand.
With unblemished blood, He did reconcile
The distant lands of the earth, the hearts that were once wild.
Breaking the barriers of ancient turmoil and strife,
He bridged the gap between Jew and Gentile life.
II. The Temple's Rise
Behold the temple, not of stone and lime,
But hearts aflame with faith that ceaselessly climbs,
Where every living stone, a soul so pure,
Together forms this holy dome of power.
Now, love is law and grace became the throne,
Where we live and breathe and make God as our own.
Where walls of pride and doubt start to decay,
As God's own Word and Son show a different way.
III. The Citadel of Peace
Within this citadel of peace, we will find,
The end of our struggles, and sins left behind.
The shackles of our past are cast aside,
As we in brotherhood and sisterhood abide.
A city set upon a hill so bright,
Where love's pure light dispels the darkest night,
Where every wall is built of truth and grace,
Where hope and peace will forever have their place.
IV. The Fellowship Eternal
This fellowship, a gift from heaven's throne,
Where every heart is touched and made fully known,
This place of refuge, love's grand design,
Where sinners come to find their hearts align,
Oh, may we cherish, hold it dear,
This union forged through every tear,
Where we are one in love and faith,
A bastion that will never waver, never dare.
V. The Call to Dwell
Let us then, with hearts akin, draw near,
To this assembly, free from doubt and fear;
Where Jesus reigns as King and Prince of Peace,
And every heart that will find release.
In this divine embrace, we find our part,
To build this foundation, created with the heart;
With every act of kindness, every prayer,
We stand as one, together we will share.
VI. The Eternal Reign
For in this house, forevermore we will reign,
Where Christ is king, and love does reign,
In this grand edifice of love, we're made,
A bastion of faith, that shall never fade.
Let us then, with one accord,
Worship God, whose love was unexplored,
In this grand edifice of love, we are new,
A bastion of faith, that will prove to be true.
VII. The Trumpet Calls
And when the final trumpet sounds,
This fellowship will stand, on solid ground,
Where every stone, each heart is so true,
It will find its rest in heaven's holy view.
This sacred bond, that never breaks,
The promise made to every heart that aches,
A family vast, with Jesus as our head,
Where every member will always be led.