O evergreen, with branches wide,
You stand adorned, a holy guide,
A symbol of the Savior's birth,
God's precious gift to all the earth.
Your needles, sharp and ever true,
Point heavenward in emerald hue,
A silent hymn, a sacred plea,
To fix our hearts on Calvary's tree.
Your star atop, so radiant bright,
Reflects the Bethlehem star that night,
When shepherds knelt and angels sang,
And earth with joy and glory rang.
The crimson ribbons, flowing free,
Remind us of His blood's decree,
A sacrifice, so pure, divine,
To make salvation's promise mine.
Each ornament, a memory sweet,
Of grace that brought us to His feet,
Of hope, of love, of mercy's hand,
A gift we scarcely understand.
O Christmas tree, you softly glow,
A witness to the truth we know,
That Christ is King, the risen Son,
The gift of God to everyone.
So as we gather round your light,
Let faith renew this holy night,
And may our lives, like you, proclaim
The glory of His holy name.