The sacred bond is more than a union divine,
That breaks the walls of all the earthly strife.
Where hearts once distant, now they intertwine
in love's embrace, through the power of Christ's life.
Two once estranged, now neighbors so near,
Jew and Gentile, as one in the fold,
Where once they were divided, now hearts are clear,
United in truth and faith, forever to behold.
The unseen hand, yet ever so strong,
Guides the lost to the path of the right,
Where once were shadows, now is a loud praise song,
To lead the weary to truth's endless light.
In this holy place, we are no longer guests,
But citizens with the saints in the light,
Where the love of God forever is expressed,
Where every heart finds its delight.
Through the blood of Jesus, the barrier's gone,
The law of commandments is no more a foe.
Now we are one, our hearts as one flesh drawn
into the body of Christ, in God we grow.
The household of faith, a temple so vast,
Where every stone is a living soul,
Each one placed with divine craft and cast,
To form a dwelling in God's holy scroll.
No longer strangers, but kin and kind,
In the bond that Christ's blood has bought;
A fellowship, a family combined,
In the love of the Father, we have been brought.
Let us then, in this sacred band,
Walk worthy of the call we've received,
In humility, we have inherited the land,
To spread the peace for which Jesus grieved.
This is the mystery, now made known,
The wisdom of God displayed through the ages,
A unity grew, from seeds once sown,
In the love complete, not in stages.
Fellowship is a union that stays very near,
Where once was discord, now harmony reigns,
Where every tongue, word, and every tear,
In Christ, is wiped away, every chain.
Rejoice in the peace that he's bestowed,
In the promise that love will never cease.
For we are God's people, the chosen road,
In the bond of Christ, our souls release.
In the fellowship of the unseen hand,
Where hearts and lives forever intertwine,
We find our hope and our strength to withstand
the storms of life, in his love we confine.
To the cornerstone, to the unseen hand,
We sing our praise, we offer our all,
For in this union, we truly understand,
We're one in Christ, we're standing tall.