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'Twas Long Ago in Bethlehem

by Kristine Stanton © 2023

'Twas long ago in Bethlehem
the Earth received its King.
A miracle, this Savior child—
great blessings He did bring.

Sweet angels sang and praised the LORD
throughout the skies above
as God in all His splendor looked
upon this child with love.

'Twas on that night God's glory shone
'round shepherds in the field.
An angel came and spoke to them—
a message He revealed. . .

"Good news I bring to you—don't fear—
a Savior has been born.
His mother swaddled Him in cloths—
in cloths He is adorned.

"This Savior has been born to you—
Messiah—Christ the LORD.
He brings great joy to all on Earth—
this child who is adored.

"And someday He will rule the world—
this favored son of God. . .
The mighty LORD did bless this child
who walks where angels trod.

"And there'll be peace upon the Earth
as Jesus reigns as King,
for all who choose to follow Him
and praise Him as they sing."

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