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Feeling Loved

by Eugene Whitney © 2025

It's good to know that we are loved.
It makes us feel so well.
What is it that makes you feel loved?
What actions toward you tell?

Is it when someone accepts you
For just the way you are,
Forgiving you for all your faults
When friendship is ajar?

Or is it simply that they want
To spend their time with you,
Especially when they reach out,
Your friendship to renew?

When you feel understood by them,
Is that what warms your heart?
Is it their empathy you feel,
So, you don't want to part?

Do you feel loved by simple touch
That they initiate,
So, when they gently reach for you,
It makes you feel so great?

When someone makes a sacrifice
To meet a need you have,
Are you so deeply touched inside
By kindness like a salve?

Perhaps the ways that we feel loved
Others may feel also.
And maybe that's how we should be.
God's love we then can show.

This poem won second place for the January 2025 poetry contest

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