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Creation Science

Christian book: Creation Facts Creation Facts
( Evolution )
Evolution is a hoax. Here are a collection of facts that disprove evolution.
Christian book: DINOSAURS! What REALLY happened DINOSAURS! What REALLY happened
A brief history of the dinosaur, according to the Bible. This book totally refutes the lies and deception of evolution.
Christian book: Pete the Pencil Sharpener Pete the Pencil Sharpener
( Creation )
This book makes light of evolution by telling a story of a pencil sharpener that grows up to be a mac truck.
Christian book: The Watch And The Apple The Watch And The Apple
The Watch and the Apple is a very simple book with a profound and important message.
Species only reproduce their own kind
Christian book: Walnut Chickens Walnut Chickens
( Species only reproduce their own kind )
Little Vicki pretended to make a chicken nest out of tree leaves and walnuts. She asked her dad when they are going to hatch. He explains that everything only reproduces its own kind.