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Christian Poems

Here you will find poems about God, faith and many other topics dear to Christians. You can submit your own original poetry by joining. Click here, it's free. All poems are automatically entered into our monthly contest.

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Latest Poems

There's Hunger in this World. . .
Speaks to the hunger for love - the famine from the lack of touch - the state of hopelessness and loneliness. . .
Being Saved
This poem is about being saved and finding salvation through Jesus Christ.
The Father's Mercy
God's mercy is the one and only thing that saves us.
A poem about awe of God and creation.
Gather to Scatter
Explores the reasons why the Church gathers
A poem about human worship and the worship of God
Kingdom Shaped Church
This poem has been written as a provocative write. Written to ask questions to the church? What shapes us? Or do we try to make our own shape to our liking!
Tells of the days prior to, and the day of, the death of Christ.
Here I Am
Poetic paraphrase of Revelation 3:17-20b

Top Poem Picks

Raised to Life
Raised from the ashes
The Lord Sees All
The Lord sees everything
Seeking Me
Thankful that God always seeks us - willing to shed His blood to bring us back into His love.
His Truth Working finalist in poetry contest
How His truth found me.
Shadow Faith finalist in poetry contest
is our faith true or just a shadow of what is real? Is our God, Lord of our lives or do we follow in a way that is unauthentic just a shadow of what should be?
Identity finalist in poetry contest
A poem concerning our new identity in Christ.
A poem showing how Jesus is utterly beyond but nearer than our closest breath.
Mirror, Mirror
A different take on an old nursery rhyme.
Prayer to the Holy Spirit
a prayer seeking God's will for our lives