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Imagine That: Eyeball

round the pupil looked like glass. Cold glass. I shoved it into my pocket and turned the corner.

When I got to Cropper's house I slowed down. He was in the front yard, pulling a bike to bits. A stolen bike.

"Gidday," I said, trying to act casual.

"Oh yeah, here comes the wimp again." Cropper said, smiling.

"Got something for you," I said, coming over to him.

"What?" he said.

"Open your hand and you'll find out."

He was really suspicious now.

"Tell me first," he demanded.

"Wouldn't be a surprise if I did that," I said "I promise it won't hurt. It's a good thing."


"Valuable," I said, "Something you could really do with."

Cropper held out his hand and opened it. His face was a picture of distrust. That's the way it is with thieves. They can't trust anyone. Not even their best mates. They always suspect other people of being as dishonest as themselves.

I opened the match box and let the eyeball drop into his open palm.

"Yah!" he said, jumping back, "What's that?!"

"It was in the box you nicked, remember?"

"Its an eye!"

"That's right," I said.

"Yeah, but what's it do?"

"Looks," I said.

"Is that all? It's a trick isn't it? Magic?"

"Sort of I said, ripping the match box into a handful of little pieces. I threw them into the air and laughed.

"Hey!" called Cropper as I walked away, "Its staring at me!"

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