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Over The Top: Make A Wish

And then we heard a police car siren, coming through the city towards us.

"What's that?" said Reginald, biscuits dropping from his mouth as he spoke.

"The cops" I said.

"Are they coming here?"

"I think so, er, yeah, they are!"

The police car stopped outside the factory. We heard doors shut and the sound of running. A door rattled and a torch beam flashed through some windows further down.

"What are we going to do!"

"I don't know!" I said.

"Wish us back home!" said Reginald.

"Why don't you?" I said.

"Cos its your turn!"

"I never said we'd have turns!"

A door opened in the next room. We had only a few seconds left.

"I don't care if we're caught!" said Reginald, wiping his chocolate-smothered mouth..

I was angry. I wanted to wring his scrawny little neck.

"OK," I said, "I wish we were back home!"

And we were.

Reginald looked hungrily at the floor.

"I should have filled my pockets before we left," he grumbled.

Shamus was standing there, smiling at us, with his little hands on his hips, and his eyes bright with mischief.

"So what will it be this time?" said Shamus, "Have you got anything else in mind for your next wish?"

"A trailbike" said Reginald, "I want me biggest and the best!"

"What? In here?" said Shamus doubtfully, "There's hardly room to swing a cat in this room, let alone ride a motorbike!"

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