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Over The Top: Misfit

"Let go! Let go!" they cry.

I am nearly at the top of the cliff. Just a few more steps. The rock is so hard and cold under my fingers. I feel the wind pushing me sideways. It tries to pull me off the rocks. Only another step left and I will be at the top. But now I am too weak. I have become slow again. I feel my fingers slipping and I fall backwards. I will hit the rocks in a few seconds. I shut my eyes ...

I open my eyes again. Mum is looking at me. Where am I? I try to ask her, but my mouth won't work. She is looking into my eyes. She can read my thoughts by looking at my face. She is the best Mum anyone could have.

Someone is crying beside me. It's the boy who hit me on the head with his hand.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!'" he says, "I didn't mean to!"

I look at the wall and see blood spots on it.

Now I understand.

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