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Special Effects: The Jacket

with it, and she would pay for it tomorrow. Only a few dollars. Maybe three. She would pay far less than it was really worth, even second hand. And why not? She worked in the shop - it would be a perk.

Daniel liked the jacket. He held it up and turned it round. It was blue, with black stripes up the sleeves and a red line down each side of the zip at the front.

"Well?" said his Mum, "Try it on!"

He slipped an arm into one sleeve and adjusted his jersey, then he put the other arm in and pulled it straight.

"Perfect fit!" he said.

'Try the zip."


The zip went smoothly all the way to the top. No hitches.

"Thanks Mum."

"It suits you."

"I have to go for a bike ride," said Daniel suddenly.


But Daniel was already at the door. He opened it, went through and it shut behind him.

"Odd?" said Daniel's Dad, "Hey, come back!"

"I can't!" called Daniel from down the path, "I have to go somewhere!"

"But it's nearly tea time!"

"I won't be long!"

"What's got into him?" Mum said, "He never goes for bike rides at this hour?"

"Maybe he wants to show the jacket to his friends?"

"He's never done that before? It's just not like him?"

"I'll get him back."

But when Daniel's Dad went to the gate, he was too late. Daniel had already biked to the end of the street and was out of sight.

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