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Unexpected Turns: Bang!

Angus never answered this question.

"Why do so many people go through life always wanting to do something, but never actually doing it?" said Mrs. Magill, "Life is so short. We should take the opportunities while we can. Soon we'll be too old to do anything at all!"

And that was as far as they ever got. Angus would get up and do another farm job, and his wife would start to make another meal.

Angus went to the window. He hated growing old. The only youth he had left was in his memory. His body was thin and weak, his eyes were beginning to fail, his hearing was dull. He remembered when he was able to run all day, and throw bales onto a truck, with only one arm!

The bell was ringing in the bedroom.

"Yes dear?"

"Could I have another cup of tea?"

Angus shifted the big, black kettle across to the ring and waited. He got the cups from the sink and rinsed them out. The kettle began to whistle so he tipped the steaming, sputtering water into the teapot and dropped the lid on. Milk? He looked at the bucket and hesitated.

"A few extra germs won't hurt!" he said out loud. He sniffed the bucket and changed his mind.

As he walked to the bedroom, he made a decision. His hands trembled as he came into the room. His wife was sitting up, reading a House and Garden.

"Here you are dear," he said.

"Thanks love."

"I've been thinking," said Angus.

"Oh yes?"

"I think we ought to move to the city."

"So you've said, many times."

"I know that, but I mean it this time. I think we ought to do what we realty want with our lives, before we're too old to do anything."

"I agree," said Mrs. Magill, too excited to sip her tea.

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