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Unexpected Turns: What's in a Name?


Garry looked at the cockroach.

"Are you letting Cocky go now?"



"He's getting hungry. I've tried feeding him, but he won't eat the stuff I give him."

"What'd you give him?"

"A Jaffa. I'd already sucked it, so there was a bit of chocolate showing."

"He probably didn't know what it was."

"He ran away from it."

"Figures," said Groundhog, "Hey, I had an idea today!"


"I'll tell you in our headquarters," said Groundhog, beginning to climb.

It was a pathetic tree-hut. The floor was nailed in, all crooked and uneven, and there were some boards sticking up round the sides, all different lengths, and anyone could get in, from any side. And when it rained, Groundhog and Albin had to sit under umbrellas, or hold sheets of plastic over their heads, which they made from shopping bags pulled apart.

"How much money you got?" asked Groundhog.

"Keep your voice down!" hissed Albin, "There's someone down there!"

A large woman in a fawn coat, and clacking shoes went by on the footpath. She sounded like a two-legged horse.

"OK." said Albin, "There's no-one listening now."

"How much money you got?"

"About five bucks."

"I've got three, and twenty cents. I've figured a way of getting heaps more!"

"Jobs!" said Albin sourly.

"No," said Groundhog, "Jobs is a waste of time. You

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