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Kids Can Fly: Kids Can Fly

Three torch beams wandered across the wall and stopped. It was a normal sized door, with a clutter of paint flakes lying where they had fallen.

"Dust of ages !" said Logan.


"Nothing, Just a song I used to know."

"Don't you mean Rock of ages?"

"Something like that."

Melanie tried the handle. It turned but the door was locked. She snorted with frustration.


"I knew it would be locked," said Alex, "Things were going too well."

"Logan?" said Melanie.

"Yeah, I'll have a go at it, but I can't promise that I can get it open." Logan passed his torch to Alex and pulled a large screwdriver out of his jacket. He stabbed at the lock on the door, and tried to get at the screws, but they were brittle and broke off. He levered at the side of the door, pulling the frame away from the wall. Bits of dirt, and spider's webs and dry, rotted concrete fell to the floor. A fine dust rose up, making the torch beams appear solid. With a sudden rending and creaking the door pulled away and opened.

"Got it!" said Logau, puffing.

"Good one!" said Melanie.

"There should be a passage or something behind this" said Melanie, "Are you two still with me?"

"I suppose so" said Alex, "Couldn't we go home now and come back some other night?"

"What's the point of doing that? Besides, we may not be able to wangle it with our parents for a while."

"I'm with you" said Logan.

Alex shrugged her shoulders.

"Might as well die tonight," she said.

Melanie went through the half-open door and began to walk down the long, straight tunnel.

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