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Flip Side: Bubble Me Double Me

show down town, and then a social time, with some of his magician friends. He said he might not be back until tomorrow."


"Don't look so glum," said Mum, "I'm sure he can give you another rabbit tomorrow."

"It's not that," I said, "I want to know where these rabbits are going. They must be somewhere. Things don't just vanish into thin air."

"Magic rabbits do," said Mum smiling.

"Oh come on, Mum, you don't really believe that, do you?"

"No," she said, "But that's what magic's for, isn't it? To make you think a real miracle has happened when it hasn't."

She left me sitting on the floor, surrounded by the mess I'd made of my room, holding my empty cardboard box.

That night, after tea, I did something I know I shouldn't have. I got the keys for the guest room and tip-toed down the hall with them, while Mum and Dad were watching TV. It was so easy. Then I opened Mysto's door and went in. As soon as the door was shut, I switched the light on.

It was the same old room. Almost nothing had changed, except one suitcase was on the bed. The other one was half unpacked beside the dresser. Mainly clothes.

I looked around the room for I don't know what. Rabbits perhaps? What do you look for when things disappear? Invisible clues?

Having found nothing resembling a rabbit in the room, I turned my attention to the large, leather suitcase on the bed. Its straps were undone and loose so I lifted the lid, very slowly and carefully. To my amazement, it was nearly empty. Down one side of the inside was a row of boxes, all built into the case, and the rest of the interior held a large, metallic hoop. I picked it up and looked at it closely. It was heavy, like a basketball hoop, and smooth all round.

There were no strings or catches on it, and it didn't seem to have any use at all. It was probably part of some magic trick, but who knows what you were supposed to do with it! I looked around for another hoop but there was none. Then I stuck my hand through it and jumped with fright.

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