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Flip Side: The Meeting

The conversation between the houses increased as their infant mind grew in understanding.

The decision must have been made some time last week. The houses formed a democracy and went with majority will. It was decided by the majority when was the best time to act. School holidays were coming up. The world's children were looking forward to a break. The thinking houses knew that time was short. Many scientists had detected their conversations and some programs were being introduced to monitor and translate it. The houses were becoming afraid. They realized something would happen to them if they delayed any longer.

My sister and I were coming home in the Citysol, a public transport bus. It seemed to be going slower today than usual, but that was because we were impatient to get home. Time always goes slower when you're impatient. The computer at the front of the bus was using autosteer, which followed an invisible line on the road. A holographic advertisement for beer danced in the air above us. Zanelle, my sister, was playing with a technodoll. It was always pretty boring coming home from school because there was very little to do, except be entertained endlessly by all the gadgets and games the house provided.

The bus stopped at our gate and the doors hissed open.

"Unit 2520," said the bus.

"We know that," I said. "Dumb machine!"

The bus said nothing back. It was unable to.

As I approached the front gate, a small lens focused on my face and a scanner relayed my image to the computer under the house. Zanelle waited impatiently beside me.

"Come on, stupid!" she said.

"Welcome, children," said a soft, purry voice. "Did you have a nice day?"

"Yes, thanks," I said. "How about you?"

"Very good, thank you. Your mother is still playing golf and your father is expected home in one hour thirty five minutes."

"Turn the H. V. on please," said Zanelle.

"Which channel?" asked the voice.

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