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Seriously Weird: Seeds of Distortion

And the stink was unbelievable!

But the cat was fine. It sat in the kitchen, carefully washing its front paw, as if doing the biggest blow-off in the world was just routine.

Mum came running in from the garden.

"What was that! Are you alright?"

"Yes Mum, I'm OK!"

"Look at this mess! What happened?"

"The cat did a blow off!" I explained.

Mum gave me a look which meant that if I wanted to see tomorrow, I'd better tell the truth! I decided not to repeat what I had just said because I knew she probably wouldn't believe me anyway.

I helped clean up the mess, and when Dad came home he measured the windows and swept up the broken glass from the drive. He thought the explosion might have been caused by a bit of freak weather, and I sure wasn't going to tell him anything different!

The next day, I was telling James. We had a great laugh about it.

"We could get into the Guinness Book of records!" he said.

"Yeah! Oldest dog, and loudest cat!"

I had all the remaining berries in a plastic container now, so they wouldn't get squashed. I took the lid off and looked at them.

"We know what the yellow and blue ones do," I said, "Now we have to find out about the red ones?"

"What can we test them on?"

"We've got some budgies?" suggested James.

"Too small," I said, as if I was an authority on this.

"My sister's got a guinea pig?"

"That'll do!"

We ran round to James' place and stopped at the cage on the back lawn. The guinea pig darted into the straw and hid, like it always did. I couldn't see the point of having a pet that always ran away from its owner.

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