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Seriously Weird: People of the Mist

""What is that green stuff?" asked Ral, pulling the sandwich apart to look at the contents.


"Lettuce? I have never heard of that. What is it?"

"A vegetable. Look. Its good for you," said Carlee, taking another bite.

"But its green. My mother has forbidden green things."

"You've got to eat your veges," smiled Carlee, "They'll put hairs on your chest!"

Ral looked at her, worried.

"Just a joke!" laughed Carlee, "Only kidding. No, really, veges are good for you!"

"But my mother has told me never to eat green things. That's why I wear the muzzle. She wouldn't let me outside if I didn't have the muzzle?"

"Forget your mother for a while will you!" said Carlee, "I've been eating green things all my life and it hasn't done me any harm!"

Cautiously, Ral sniffed the sandwich. The lettuce smelled sweet. He took a bite and chewed. The taste was good. He wanted more. Soon he was eating hungrily.

When the sandwiches were all gone, the woman cleared her things away and did her pack up. Then she knelled beside Ral and put his muzzle back together, re-inserting the wires expertly. There was no trace of tampering unless you looked very closely.

"I'd better get going now," said Carlee, hitching her pack onto her shoulders, "It's been nice meeting you!"

"Will you be coming back?" asked Ral.

"I doubt it. I have a bus to catch and many weeks work to get through."

"Bus?" said Ral.

"It's a vehicle, with big wheels, and an engine!"

Ral's face showed that he didn't understand.

"Never mind," said Carlee, "It's been really interesting meeting you, and I hope all goes well with you and your mother."

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