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Seriously Weird: Gerald's Bird

"I've got a lamb." said Camile proudly.

"I know," said Gerald, "You told me."

"Oh, did I?" said Camile, disappointed, "Would you like to see it?"

"OK," said Gerald. He didn't sound all that keen. I thought he was sad because he knew it would be just another pet he could look at but never keep. I felt sorry for him.

"I'll bring her tomorrow," said Camile.

"Friday," said Gerald, "My last day here."

"Oh yeah" said Camile, "I forgot."

Friday was like any other day. Kids running about, teachers hiding in the staff room to avoid them, but pretending they were there for a serious conversation. The secretary trying to answer two phones and three questions all at once.

Camile came struggling and heaving into class with the lamb in her arms. It was bigger now, and woollier, and when it bleated, Mrs Bletcher frowned and told Camile to take it outside again.

Gerald followed. He was good at doing that. He never played with us, except the easy games, where you use a pencil. He always stood or sat on the sideline when we had rough games. Sometimes he smiled, or even laughed, but I saw him, when he was his real self, with a sad look in his eyes, like he was lonely deep down. He didn't know I was watching.

"Her name's Sweety!" said Camile, "Want to hold her?"

Gerald held out his arm and stroked the lamb's nose. It sniffed his chin and tried to suck one of his fingers. He laughed and pulled his hand away.

"She likes you!" laughed Camile.

The lamb squirmed in Gerald's arms and lunged at his chin, determined to get a drink.


Sweety dropped to the ground, and Gerald pressed his hand against his chin. He screwed up his eyes as he fought the pain.

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