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The Wonderfully Designed Flamingo ( 1 of 2 )

Sunday School Activity Sheet: The Wonderfully Designed Flamingo  ( 1 of 2 )

tags: flamingo, flamingo, design, creationism

handout id: 3195
short name: The Wonderfully Designed Flamingo ( 1 of 2 )
nutshell: God created the Flamingo specific to its needs. Design testifies of a Creator

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Wording of this Handout:

In Africa there is a bird called a flamingo. This bird likes to feed in shallow water.
God designed this bird in many special ways to help it do what it does well.
The flamingo has long legs which bend backwards at the knee. This means that as it walks it doesn't have a leg
going forwards, making a splash with its foot. (Our knee bends forwards, so you know how tricky it is to walk in water without pushing your foot forwards).
The flamingo also has a long neck, so it can reach into the water without bending over.
The flamingo's beak is a marvel of engineering. It curves under the bird, SO the bird's head is held upside down while it feeds. (If the flamingo wanted to keep his head upright, it would need an extra kink in its neck).
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