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The Wonderfully Designed Flamingo ( 2 of 2 )

Sunday School Activity Sheet: The Wonderfully Designed Flamingo  ( 2 of 2 )

tags: flamingo, flamingo, design, creationism

handout id: 3196
short name: The Wonderfully Designed Flamingo ( 2 of 2 )
nutshell: God created the Flamingo specific to its needs. Design testifies of a Creator

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Wording of this Handout:

The beak is made of two parts. The top part is shaped like a triangle. It fits into the bottom part. Both sides of the beak on the inside are covered in fine hairs - about 100 hairs every inch. The tongue moves back and forth very quickly inside the beak, acting like a pump.
As the tongue pumps, the water is pulled and pushed through the hairs. As the water comes into the beak the hairs lie flat, but as the water goes out again the hairs stand up, catching food particles.
The flamingo pulses its tongue 1 times a second, and collects food (mainly algae) from near the surface of the water.
The beak is also lighter than water. It was designed this way because it makes it easier for the flamingo to keep it in the water. (If the beak was heavy, the flamingo might get tired carrying it)
A flock of 300,000 flamingos can eat 180 tons of algae every day from a lake.
In every way the flamingo shows the wisdom of God the Creator of all life.
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