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Sea dragon

Sunday School Activity Sheet: Sea dragon

tags: sea dragon, sea dragon, worry, kindness, proverb 12:25

handout id: 3208
short name: Sea dragon
nutshell: Sea dragon

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Wording of this Handout:

From the Bible:
"Worry makes a person feel as if he is carrying a heavy load, But a kind word cheers up a person".
Proverbs 12:25
Is it a plant? Is it a bit of plastic? Is it a piece of rubbish floating in the sea? No! Its an animal!
The Sea Dragon is found only along the southern coast of Australia. Sometimes it looks like weeds, and sometimes it looks like leaves!
The Sea Dragon has no teeth or stomach, and it feeds on shrimps really small ones. It just floats about and sucks its food in how's that for being lazy!
It doesn't even have to swim hard. It has a sort of balloon inside it, which it uses to go up or down with. Big balloon: up, small balloon: down. Sounds like fun.
When the Sea Dragon has babies, the Mum Dragon puts the eggs into the Dad Dragon's pocket, where they stay for about eight weeks. About 250 kids!
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