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The ants and the thorn bush

Sunday School Activity Sheet: The ants and the thorn bush

tags: ant, thorn, Inner Species Cooperation, creationism, symbiosis, ant, thorn bush, Intelligent design, creation

handout id: 3223
short name: The ants and the thorn bush
nutshell: The ants and the thorn bush

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Wording of this Handout:

There is a thorn bush called an acacia, which is home to a special type of ant.

The ants live inside the thorns of the bush, and whenever an animal comes along and tries to eat the bush, the ants rush out of their hideaways in the hollow thorns and bite the invader.

But there's more. . .

The acacia looks after the ants. It makes food, like sugar and oil, for the ants to eat This food is no use to the bush - but it is just what the ants like to eat!

So the bush needs the help of the ants, and the ants need the help of the bush.

God has designed many living things to work together. When He made the world, He showed how well things can go with, co-operation.
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