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The Sponge crab

Sunday School Activity Sheet: The Sponge crab

tags: sponge, crab, Inner Species Cooperation, creationism, red sponge, sponge, spong crab, mediterranean sea, symbiosis, Intelligent design

handout id: 3239
short name: The Sponge crab
nutshell: Sponge crabs

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Wording of this Handout:

The red sponge lives in the Mediterranean Sea. It has no legs, so it cannot walk around, but, to solve this problem, it uses someone else's legs to do this!

The legs the red sponge uses belong to the a crab. The crab (called a sponge crab - guess why) comes along and picks bits of red sponge, then it sticks them all over the top of its shell.

Once fastened there, the sponge starts to grow, until the whole top of the shell is covered.

Now the crab looks like a piece of red sponge, and no animals enjoy eating sponge so they leave the crab alone.

The sponge on the other hand is able to move about (on crab's legs) and feed in fresh areas of the sea floor.

God created the crab and the sponge to work together.
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