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Penguins ( 2 of 2 )

Sunday School Activity Sheet: Penguins ( 2 of 2 )

tags: penguin, penguin, bird

handout id: 3258
short name: Penguins ( 2 of 2 )
nutshell: Penguins

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Wording of this Handout:

Emperor penguin 'dads' do most of the work looking after the egg. Sometimes they just stand with the egg between their feet for up to two whole months, until the 'mom' penguin comes back from her trip to the sea.

Baby penguins stay together in nurseries, with grown-up penguins standing guard around them.

Penguins have not one, not two, but three layers of feathers. The three layers together keep their body warm and dry, even though they may look very wet from the outside.

Penguins may not be very good at walking, but they are expert toboggonists! They seem to enjoy sliding along over the snow - the same as children might do on their sledges.

Penguins are not halfway to or from being able to fly. They were designed by God to live the way they do. No other bird can live the way penguins live, because no other bird is designed so cleverly.

God is the master?designer!
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