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Cells - Fact file:

Sunday School Activity Sheet: Cells - Fact file:

tags: cell, biology

handout id: 3447
short name: Cells - Fact file:
nutshell: Cells

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Wording of this Handout:

*Your body is made of about 100 million million cells

*If you placed all the cells in your body side by side in a line, it would go right round the world at the equator 100 times

*There is no such thing as a 'simple cell'

*Nearly every cell in our body, carries enough information to build a whole new body

*Out of only 20 amino acids every protein we need is constructed

*Every different cell in the body started from the meeting of only two cells

*Just one cell is more complicated than the whole city of New York

*Cells are continually growing, dying and being replaced

*Hair and nails are made of dead cells *Teeth can, to a certain extent, repair themselves

*On a healthy body, every bit of the outside of that body is made of dead cells

*The only cells in the body which stay the same all your life are the three small bones inside each of your ears

*When God designed the human body, He decided to use cells to build it with
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