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The True and the False

Sunday School Activity Sheet: The True and the False

tags: wrasse, blenny, fish

handout id: 3451
short name: The True and the False

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Wording of this Handout:

Here are two fish.

The fish on the left is called a Wrasse.

The fish on the right is called a Blenny.

They look like the same fish, but there is a big difference.

When a fish called a Surfperch comes along, the Wrasse nibbles at the Surfperch, picking of little bits and pieces, and cleaning it very nicely.

But when the Surfperch goes to the Blenny, the Blenny bites and hurts the Surfperch. Ouch!

God created both the Wrasse and the Blenny, but why did He make two fish that look the same yet one fish is gentle and the other is a harmful trickster?

One reason is to teach us to be careful of things that look the same but aren't. If we are not careful, we too can be caught by tricksters - people who pretend to be one thing but who are really something else.
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