Wording of this Handout:
When 3-year-old Katy Reardon fell into the pool in her garden, she was fully clothed and couldn't swim. Her Dad was at work, her Mum was in the kitchen and there was no one to help her.
They had warned her not to go near the deep end of the pool, but on that sunny day in May 1996 she reached over to get her doll and fell in headfirst.
No one knows how long she was in the pool; when her mother, Barbara heard the scream, she froze in terror, then ran toward the back door. She saw Katy crying, moving toward her in dripping wet clothes, with her arms extended.
When Barbara asked what happened, Katy said, "I was playing and I fell into the deep end and I couldn't swim, so I asked Jesus to help me and a hand came down from heaven and pulled me out of the water."
When her Mum asked her again she repeated the story several times without missing a word.
Finally her Mum asked her, "What did the hand look like?" Katy simply replied, "You know Mum - like a cloud!"
(This story comes from 'Word for Today', published by Radio Rhema. Free issues of this booklet can be obtained from Radio Rhema Inc., Private bag 92-636, Symonds Street, Auckland.)