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Here you will find poems about God, faith and many other topics dear to Christians. You can submit your own original poetry by joining. Click here, it's free. All poems are automatically entered into our monthly contest.
Life Rocks
As my father died of cancer, I wanted to write a poem as a Christian inspirational piece regarding this battle.

Someone Did
Elements coming together for a '"big bang" came from where? Every explosion known to man creates disorder (volcanic eruptions, meteor impacts, lightening, dynamite, etc.). But the biggest explosion ever resulted in perfect order?

Your Ticket's at Will Call
Like an event ticket already bought and paid for and just waiting to be picked up, salvation for ALL of us is just waiting at will Call.

I think of heaven a lot, and although I can barely wait to see what "our minds can't conceive," I also want to be here for my young son. But if we both go in the rapture...BONUS!

Broken Egg
Inspired by those who believe God is merely a God of vengeance and just waiting to punish.

Just Wait
A poem on faith and the difficulty, if not frustration, of waiting on the Lord.

Gary's Orchids
In Mark 14:8, Jesus spoke of the woman who poured precious ointment on Him, anointing Him for His burial. He said, "She hath done what she could." In this poem, a mentally challenged teenager named Gary loved Jesus, and he did what he could for Him.

We should remember to love our parents who brought us into this world and provided for all our needs until we became of age. Our very survival depended on them when we were young so love God them and remember them always..

We are living in a sinful world and God knows our every sin. We need to repent and obey Jesus and do what he wants us to do.. You can be sure that your sins will find you out sooner or later. So repent and come close to God.

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