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Friendship Poems

My Bride
I have worked as a home health nurse for many years and I see how difficult it is for older people to watch their spouses become frail. I wrote this for a friend of mine whose wife is having significant health issues. He loves her dearly.

A Fluttering in My Heart
I wrote this poem for Dr. Anne. It is about her first born son. She is a lovely Christian woman that I have had the pleasure of knowing and attended the graduation of this precious young man.

Circle of friends
Friends are rare treasures. This poem celebrates the bliss and rewards of true friendship.

This is a poem I wrote for my friend Francine who sends me Scripture every day. She is so encouraging in sharing God's Word. I have been so blessed by her sisterly love in Christ.

Your First Best Friend
I have been writing a weekly series on best friends. This is one of many poems written on the subject of "Best Friends"

My Best Friend
My best friend died young and unexpectedly. She knew the Lord and at that time, I did not. She is in Heaven and I know I will see her again someday..

Lean On Me
A story about a friend in need, and a friend indeed. An analogy.

My Friends finalist in poetry contest
I've been the underdog for years. This is my story; how I got out.

The Wedding!
This poem was written in remembrance of a friend from church. It talks about her being united with Christ in marriage as Christ is to the church.

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