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What Bible translation do you read?
King James Version ( KJV ) 562 votes 25%
New King James Version ( NKJV ) 302 votes 14%
New International Version ( NIV ) 749 votes 34%
New American Standard Bible ( NASB ) 210 votes 9%
New Living Translation 150 votes 7%
Amplified Bible 36 votes 2%
Other - english 152 votes 7%
Other - not english 54 votes 2%
Who is Jesus?
GOD 1190 votes 93%
a god 11 votes 1%
a man 76 votes 6%
an angel 5 votes 0%
What is your marriage status?
never married 282 votes 21%
married, never divorced 752 votes 56%
divorced, never remarried 82 votes 6%
divorced & remarried 168 votes 13%
divorced, remarried, divorced, remarried (etc.) 54 votes 4%
What part of the day do you enjoy most?
morning 356 votes 35%
afternoon 88 votes 9%
evening 469 votes 46%
no favorite 96 votes 10%
How many times do you go to church each week?
1 139 votes 20%
2 185 votes 26%
3 or more 359 votes 51%
Don't attend weekly 16 votes 2%
What is your Christian Faith?
Greek Orthodox 18 votes 2%
Catholic 161 votes 19%
Protestant 674 votes 78%
I'm not Christian 14 votes 2%
Does your church use PowerPoint during worship?
Yes 1141 votes 65%
No 542 votes 31%
What is PowerPoint? 60 votes 3%
What kind of computer are you using?
Windows 629 votes 83%
Machintosh 85 votes 11%
Linux 24 votes 3%
Other 21 votes 3%
Have you ever been to another country?
Yes 844 votes 70%
No 358 votes 30%
Do you wear Christian tshirts?
Yes 715 votes 75%
No 241 votes 25%
I am ...
Single 511 votes 45%
Married 620 votes 55%
What ministry do you help in your church?
Bible Instruction / Sunday School 145 votes 20%
Music / Stage Support 142 votes 19%
Bus / Transport 6 votes 1%
Usher / Greeter 36 votes 5%
Officer / Deacon 29 votes 4%
Maintain / Cleanup 13 votes 2%
Visitation / Evangelism 23 votes 3%
Youth / Youth Clubs 184 votes 25%
Prayer Support 45 votes 6%
Other 94 votes 13%
Not involved in ministry 19 votes 3%
How long have you attended your current church?
under 1 year 85 votes 9%
1-3 years 164 votes 17%
3-5 years 122 votes 13%
5-10 years 172 votes 18%
10-20 years 195 votes 20%
over 20 years 194 votes 20%
I don't attend church 29 votes 3%
How big is your immediate family?
1 59 votes 4%
2 161 votes 10%
3 194 votes 12%
4 433 votes 28%
5 343 votes 22%
6 175 votes 11%
7 91 votes 6%
more 116 votes 7%
I am using...
Windows & Internet Explorer 297 votes 75%
Windows & Netscape 42 votes 11%
MacIntosh & Internet Explorer 20 votes 5%
MacIntosh & Netscape 11 votes 3%
Linux & Netscape 6 votes 2%
Other 14 votes 4%
What are you talking about? 4 votes 1%
At what age did you become a Christian?
under 5 27 votes 9%
5 - 9 55 votes 19%
10 - 14 67 votes 23%
15 - 19 49 votes 17%
20 - 29 41 votes 14%
30 - 39 32 votes 11%
40 - 49 10 votes 3%
50 - 59 0 votes 0%
60 + 0 votes 0%
I am not a Christian 6 votes 2%
What kind of music do you listen to?
Secular 36 votes 3%
Christian 628 votes 59%
Both 402 votes 38%
Are your parents Christians?
Both are 662 votes 65%
Mom only 153 votes 15%
Dad only 21 votes 2%
Neither are 184 votes 18%
I am ... years old
under 13 28 votes 3%
13 - 17 174 votes 17%
18 - 24 219 votes 21%
25 - 44 421 votes 40%
45 - 64 187 votes 18%
65 - 74 11 votes 1%
75 + 5 votes 0%
I am a ...
female 624 votes 46%
male 732 votes 54%
What is your spiritual gift?
Teacher 342 votes 33%
Organizer 114 votes 11%
Prophet 149 votes 14%
Mercy 70 votes 7%
Exhorter 89 votes 9%
Server 186 votes 18%
Giver 89 votes 9%