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Imagine That: Peace On Earth

called for order.

"We will now have your votes. Whichever submission has the most votes will be implemented throughout the whole planet, so think carefully."

Hundreds of fingers tapped at their keyboards and the computer analyzed the results. Three seconds later the list of proposals appeared on a giant screen, in the order of preference, numbered from one to fifteen.

"The most preferred choice of lifestyle is ... bus-driving!" announced the Presiding Brain. Several delegates cheered and clapped. The Korean delegate scowled because he had a certain liking for electric trams.

"The choice will now be transmitted to every Ordinary Brain in the planet, and the results will be returned to us as soon as they come to hand."

For the next fifteen minutes, the Grand Council waited. Cups of coffee were brought to every seat by robots with trays, and many of the delegates lit cigarettes while they discussed things. Muzak played softly in the background.

"We are getting some results in," said the Presiding Brain.

The room fell silent.

"The current wars along the Chinese border have ceased. (A loud cheer went up), and the riots in India have stopped. (Another cheer) From South America we have reports of workers abandoning the burning of the forests," (Another cheer) " and in the North Sea the whaling has been cancelled, which means the last surviving whales will be able to breed again." (A loud, long, jubilant cheer).

"Well, members of the Council" said the Presiding Brain, grinning from ear to ear, "It looks as if our attempt to save the planet is going to be a success!"

For a full five minutes, the whole room broke into uncontrolled rejoicing, as all the delegates stood to hug each other, and raise toasts to the future. Groups of people broke into song. Linking arms and dancing. The Muzak stopped and a series of national anthems began to play. "At last," said the delegates to one another, "After six thousand years, Mankind has solved all the problems of the planet!"

But five minutes later, reports began to come in which rather soured the mood. The Presiding Brain called for quiet and began to read them out. A heavy solemnity descended on the room like a thick blanket.

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