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Imagine That: Peace On Earth

"A mass internal migration has begun in every country. Millions of people are have begun to move into the cities and fights have broken out over who should drive the busses. There have been riots and skirmishes at bus stops all over the world."

"Bus drivers in London have barricaded themselves inside the Post Office, with the keys to their busses. A mob of some ten thousand people is pulling the building to pieces and the police are helpless to stop them because they too want to drive the same busses."

"Things are not looking good," said the delegate from Russia.

"Perhaps," said the delegate from the moon, "We should reverse the effect of the first transmission and try number two?"

"I mink that is the only thing we can do," said the Presiding Brain, "I hereby order this procedure immediately!"

Every eye went to the screen. The second word on the list was "ballet dancer'.

The Council sat gloomily and waited. More reports came in. War had broken out in Africa. The Indonesians were falling off the bus terminals like lemmings. The Libyans were offering all their oil revenue for a bus. Shops selling anything remotely useful for dancing in were being destroyed in the rush of frantic would-be dancers.

Number two on the list began to take effect in every country and the delegates became more hopeful. Perhaps this time they would see some better results.

"The reports have begun to come in" said the Presiding Brain, "And they are good! There has been an international outbreak of ballet dancing, and everyone is happy! Dancing is preferred to war!"

The Council rose as one to clap and cheer. At last, their hopes had been fulfilled. Busses were obviously not the human races' number one need - but dancing and the appreciation of ballet was!

Five minutes later, the reports changed. Riots had broken out in every city. People were fighting over ballet shoes, and tutus, and ribbons. Every service was disrupted. War was breaking out over who controlled the stockpiles of ballet materials. Even the reporters for the Council were having trouble concentrating on their work as they pirouetted and pranced about.

All the wars which had been in progress before the

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