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Imagine That: Tell Uncle Bernie

"I don't believe you. Look at Levi. He's a fisherman, but his wife's got a nice house, and she's always well dressed. Not like me. I have to wear rags!"

"They're not rags, dear."

"Don't tell me what rags are and what rags aren't. I'm a woman you know. I know more about clothes than you'll ever know. I say these are rags!"

"Yes dear."

"I tell you what . . ."

"Yes dear?"

"If you do one more crazy, hair-brained thing to make money, I'm going back to live with my mother!"

"Yes dear."

"And where do you think you're going?"

"'For a walk, dear."

"You come back here right now Matthais Nathaniel!" But Matthais ignored his wife and went down to the shore of the lake. He slumped tiredly on the warm stones and sat in the quiet, watching little waves break gently along the shore.


"Mum," complained the fish, "There's something stuck in my mouth."

"Don't come grumbling to me. What do you think I am, a dentist?"

"But it's uncomfortable."

"There's nothing I can do about it. Go see your father."


"Yes son? Oh, its you. I remember ... last year wasn't it. That was a good spawning."

"I've got something stuck in my mouth."

"What? I can't understand you."

"There's something in my mouth! I can't eat property!"

"Well spit it out."

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