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Imagine That: Tell Uncle Bernie

But he hadn't spotted Matthais.

"Hey Peter! What are you doing?"

"Oh, er, nothing."

"Going fishing again? Now? I thought you were out all night?"

"I was."

"Didn't you catch enough?"

"Yes, I did quite well, actually."

"Oh, I get it. You've had a tip. There's a big school coming in and you're going to clean it up - but where's your net?"

"No, nothing like that. Look, could I get on with this. I'm in a bit of a hurry."

"OK! OK! No need to get titchy!"

Peter pushed his boat out from shore and began to use an oar to move into the deeper water.

"Hey Pete! You've forgotten your net!"

"I know. Its alright."

"So what are you going to catch the fish with, your hands?"

"No. I've got a hand line."

Other fishermen, in smaller boats not far away, were listening. They turned their heads and watched as Peter rowed further out into the cold, green water. Some of them scratched their heads. Others shook their heads. "He's finally cracked" they said, "I knew it would happen. Ever since he started following that crazy preacher he's been acting strange!"

Some of Peter's closest friends hopped into their smaller boats and pushed out after him. Peter saw them coming and groaned. It was a pain being so popular. The last thing he wanted was popularity.

On the beach, Matthais was watching and listening. At last, he thought, someone else as hair-brained as himself!

Peter sat in his boat with the single hand line

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