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Over The Top: Make A Wish

"No tricks" said Shamus.

"I want to dressed for it, so I can do it in style, right?"

"Right you are."

"And none of this stolen stuff, got it?"

"Got it."

"Plenty of money."

"Plenty of money"

"Fan-club, stretch-limo, as much food as I want?"

"Got it"

Reginald turned to me then.

"You've got one wish left, haven't you?"


"You've gotta promise you won't use it until you've made sure my wish is working right?"

Reluctantly I promised. I mean, after all, a friend is a friend.

"OK," said Reginald to Shamus, "Do it!"

Shamus waved his arms and Reginald disappeared.

"Where's he gone?" I asked.

"Fame and fortune" said Shamus, "Just like he was wanting"

"Yes but what's he doing?" I said, "Is he a pop star or something?"

"No," said Shamus with a twinkle in his face, "He's a flea, in the world famous Travelling Flea Circus!"

I still have my wish left. I've had it for a whole year now.

Maybe one day I'll use it.

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