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Special Effects: A Happy Face

"I've heard Mum and Dad talking about you."

"Good girl. That's the story. Well, here I am, alive and well, and living in Otago, and I was wondering if you'd like to come and see me this week."


"Because we're having the Dance to the Moon festival. Its every ten years, and as you're a part of the family, on your mother's side, I thought you might like to come?"

"I don't know. I'd have to ask Dad."

"Don't worry about that!" laughed uncle Kuibbs, "I've already asked him. He said he'd be delighted for you to come."

"Did he?" said Stephanie, absently, "I still don't know . . . why do you dance to the moon anyway?"

"To make it come up, of course! If we don't have the dance, the moon might slow down or maybe not rise at all! Now, are you coming or not?"

She didn't want to hurt her uncle's feelings, but if her father was happy for her to go she might as well. It would be an interesting trip anyway.

"I suppose I could come."

"Good girl! I'll be up in about two days. Pretty good service eh, being picked up from your very door? Well, I'll see you then. Bye!"


Stephanie put the phone down and went outside. She was not in a good mood.

"Stupid ritual!" she thought, "Why do people still think they can make the moon come up by dancing to it? Don't they know anything about gravity, and orbits! It's like being in the Dark Ages again."

She went to the garden seat and sat on it. All around her the leaves and flowers hung or folded, thick and colourful close to her shoulders. She swung gently back and forth, letting the smells and sounds of the plants seep into her mind. It was comforting here, in this small, green part of the world. Nature was real here at least, and it didn't ask her to dance to it.

Her mother was calling for her.

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