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Special Effects: A Happy Face

"Neither do I," said Dad, "Its a tricky problem, but I know what you're saying. Its actually the same sort of thing with the Church."


"When the Christian church started, it was just a bunch of people who met in each other's homes, and had meals together, and said prayers. They didn't have huge, expensive church buildings, or big cathedrals, or popes, or archbishops. It was all small and friendly, and sort of homely - like family getting together. But then gradually the rituals crept in. Bit by bit rituals became regular ceremonies, and they hardened into traditions and the Christians got themselves completely side-tracked with a load of nonsense! Now they're trapped in their own jungle of traditions and rituals, and it looks like they'll never get out!"

"Are you saying I shouldn't go to the Dance?"

"No," said Dad, "I'm not saying that, but I think you ought to be careful how much support you give to things like that. It's like a habit - the more you do something, the harder it is to live without it. The more air you give to a fire, the brighter it burns."

"Well," she said, "It is every ten years. I don't think that's often enough to make it a habit. Maybe I can just laugh inside while everyone else is serious?"

"Yes, that what I do every Christmas," said Dad smiling "The real meaning of Christmas has nothing to do with trees and lights and tinsel, but its kinda fun. I know the real meaning, so the silliness doesn't bother me. What's really sad is when people think Christmas is nothing but those things!"

"Well I know the moon will come up even if nobody dances," said Stephanie, "So I guess the silliness can't hurt me!"

Stephanie moved back into the dark shadows of the tree and watched as the torches went past. The people were chanting something. Ancient words. Meaningless sounds. Yes, it was all silliness, but everyone seemed to think it was very serious. That made it twice as funny!

The fire burned brighter and the people began to form a line. Like a snake lights the turning, twisting body of people followed a path around the fire, dancing as they went, waving their torches, calling to the moon to keep her path for another ten years.

Deeply amused, Stephanie climbed the tree and hid in

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