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Special Effects: Superstition

Dad told me some things too. He said some of the people in his home-country had blue blood. This was because they were members of the royal family, and some people wore blue stockings, which is far out. I'm glad I don't have to ponce about in stockings where we live now!

Dad also said that sometimes people wear boots on the wrong feet, and bowler hats, and some of them wear gold gloves and go about trying to shake other people's hands.

All the houses there, Dad said, are nailed together with brass tacks, and the national sport is kicking a bucket, or trying to take two bites from a cherry. The main form of transport is busses, but the drivers are usually on holiday. The main food there is cake (everyone has a big slice every day), and the main lighting is candles. There are lots of canals there too, so most people either paddle canoes or tie strings to crows and fly straight to wherever they want to go.

So now I'm hiding in my bedroom. At least I'm safe here. I can see out the window, if I peep through a crack in the curtains. Mum's doing some gardening. She's spilt her afternoon drink of milk on the lawn. She isn't crying over it though. That's my Mum. Real tough.

And Dad's in the kitchen. I know that because I can hear him hitting the floor every few minutes. He's trying out a party trick, with two stools, but he keeps falling between them. He won a feather last year for that trick, which he stuck in his hat. The reason he can't do the trick right is because he has to put his best foot forward, but he's not sure which one it is, plus he's suffering from a visit to the pond. He had a drink there, and got a frog stuck in his throat.

So here I'll stay, until at least tomorrow. Maybe then the wind will change again. I was thinking, maybe I should wish on a star, or cross my fingers . . .? No, I won't do that.

You see, I'm not superstitious.

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