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Over The Top: The Suck

his mates. There were tracks in the shingle, like lots of people had been there. I don't understand how this could be. Where was Bog and his mates? Did they run away while I was under the water?

I looked at my watch. It was nearly 4. 30 pm The date was wrong. It should be the 23rd but it said the 22nd. Saturday instead of Sunday. How could it be one day before Sunday?

I started to walk home. The stones on the road were sharp so I kept to the grass. No cars passed me. The rain kept speckling my bare back like drops of ice. I was shivering and rubbing my arms to keep warm. The wind whistled round me and drew the warmth out of my body.

When I got to my house I looked over the fence. No-one there.

I crept into my room and sat on the bed, wondering. Then I checked the calendar. Yes, the lines were there. I always crossed the day off when it finished. Saturday was definitely crossed off.

But if I had come back to yesterday, where was the me from yesterday? There must be two copies of me now! It would be like having an identical twin brother - could come in handy!

Suddenly the door opened and the Saturday me came into the room. That me stopped short and stared.

"Hello?" I said to the other me.

"Who are you?" asked the Saturday me.

"I'm you, from tomorrow. I've come back . . ." and I explained what had happened.

There's a wise old saying, "Two heads are better than one". That was true this time. I had a really good chat with the other me, and we were both in agreement over Bog and his mates. We had to do something about their bad manners.

A bit more chatting and we hatched a plan.

Then the Saturday me sort of merged with the Sunday me, and I was the only one left in the room. That was weird. But now I knew exactly what was going to happen tomorrow, and that was the little edge of advantage I needed.

The rain kept pattering on the roof all night, but I wasn't bothered. I knew the next day would be bright and clear skies, and hot, and I knew who would be down at

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