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Kids Can Fly: The Best Present

The last time I saw him, was at work. I went from school to his place, caught the elevator to the top, got shown to his office by a secretary, and stood by his desk. He was on the phone. He gave me a smile and raised his hand, to let me know he knew I was there, then he talked for ages, and wrote things on a pad. As soon as he hung up, the other phone rang, so I found a chair and sat there for another ten minutes. He kept glancing at me, but he never got a chance to say anything.

Eventually I leaned right back in the chair and shut my eyes, or wandered around the office and down the corridor, looking at the weird paintings hanging everywhere. They looked like a loony had done them. Faces stuck on shoulders, eyes sticking out of noses. Modern art is weird!

Anyway, Dad finally stopped talking and got up from his chair. He patted me on the head and said he had a surprise for me. Of course I wanted to know what it was, but he said it was "for tomorrow". He wouldn't even give me a clue.

This would be interesting. I already had everything. Motorbikes, the best sports gear, TV with video and computer, digital stereo, CD player, the latest toys, the best clothes, everything. I had what every kid my age dreams of, and sometimes I had two.

Dad looked really tired, but that was normal. He rubbed his face with his hands and went back to his desk.

"Its something you'll never forget," he said.

I wanted to pester him but the phones rang, and the secretary buzzed him, so I left. I went down in the elevator all by myself. I hated being so rich and so lonely. This is what a lot of rich people are like. I was one of them.

That's when I went shopping. I didn't realty want to buy anything. It was just something to do. I was bored. And that's when the two guys grabbed me and threw me into the car.

So here I was, waiting for the night to pass. I managed to get some sleep, sitting on the chair. It wasn't easy. I got a real sore behind.

The three men took it in turns to watch me. I had some bright ideas of jumping them, but it was futile to even think about it. They were ready all the time. And besides, what if I did get past them? Just a bunch of brick walls after that.

In the morning I was starving.

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