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Kids Can Fly: Goose

Other children gathered round.

"What's happened?" they asked.

"Danelle's broken the Japanese bowl!"

The door opened and Danelle came out, with a bundle of newspaper in her hands.

" Where am I going to put this?" she said, worried.

"How about the rubbish bin over the road?"

Danelle ran off with her load, and Goose went straight to the Principal. He was going to have a very interesting time.

About ten minutes later, he emerged again, with the Principal close behind. The first place they went was the classroom, where the Japanese bowl was still in its place. Goose looked distressed as he took the Principal to the cloakroom. The kids gathered round the door and watched as Goose discovered that the only cigarettes in Benjamin's bag were made of sugar.

"You know the rules about poking about in the cloakroom?" said the Principal sternly, "I take a very dim view of all this you know?"

"Yes sir," said Goose.

"I think its time you stopped making up stories about your class mates."

"Yes sir."

"I'm going to tell your parents about all this."

"But sir, I saw the cigarettes! Someone must have changed them for another sort!"

"That is very unlikely."

"The money-box. I just remembered. I saw Elizabeth and Tamara with it. They stole it! From the secretary's office!"

"If you're telling me more lies ..." said the Principal, leaving the results to everyone's imagination.

The whole class followed Goose to the office. The money-box was, of course, still in its place up on the filing cabinet. Goose looked as if he was going to faint. He had gone a peculiar shade of white.

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