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Tangled Yarns: Hidden Talents

"Do I have to go to jail?"

"Not this time" said the policeman, "You see, I've got kids myself, and I know they make some silly little mistakes as they grow up, so I'm letting you off this time. OK?"

"Thanks very much!" I said.

"Don't bother to show me to the door," said the policeman, "I can let myself out. The best thing you can do now is get some sleep. You've got school tomorrow."

Flash. The Burglar Fairy was back. He tripped over the chair and fell face-down.

"Ouch!" he said, "I did it again!"

"So what do we do now?" I asked.

"I'll have to take you to another part of the world, further away." said the Fairy, rubbing his nose, "I've got a really easy robbery lined up. You'll make a fortune this time!"

"I hope so," I said.

Flash. Now I was standing in another street, in another city, and in my hands was a heavy brick. The street was deserted, so the Fairy appeared beside me and flew over to the window of a jeweler's shop.

"All you have to do," he said, "Is heave that brick through this window, and as soon as you get your mitts round the jewels, I'll whisk you back home. Got it?"

"Yes," I said.

I swung the heavy brick and threw it at the window, but it bounced off and landed on the footpath.

"Awfully hard glass," I said.

"Try again!" said the Fairy.

My next throw was a bit higher, and much harder, but this time the brick bounced off the glass and hit my head. I went out like a light.

When I opened my eyes, a policeman was looking down at me.

"Are you alright, sonny?"

"What happened?"

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