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Here you will find poems about God, faith and many other topics dear to Christians. You can submit your own original poetry by joining. Click here, it's free. All poems are automatically entered into our monthly contest.
My Rose
My Mom, Rose Pettit went home to be with Jesus this past spring. This poem is about her.

If You'd Only Stop and Listen
So many times we get caught up in the noise of everyday life that we forget God is always there and is always listening.

Lord Touch My Heart
Psalm 51 is my favorite. This week Franklin Graham gave a Salation message at our church. Hundreds went forward. Sometimes I cannot hear God, but He always hears me. The music and His Word came that night ,like never before. I was blessed with a poem.

Bethlehem?s Night Before Christmas
As seen through the eyes of the shepherds in the field on that first night.

A Sea of Fear
I prefer to write in free verse, but a structured pattern of rhyme seems to lend a cohesiveness to these thoughts, and this moment ....

Thorngrapes and Thistlefigs second in poetry contest
Matthew 7:14,15 says it's not easy to see those who would hurt us while claiming to be "Christian"..."Can a man gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?" If he could, how would THOSE look? Pretty strange, I'd bet.

Diamond in the Rough finalist in poetry contest
I was once a hopeless, lost diamond, concealed in the dark.In a wretched and dismal cave where, no light could touch my heart.The Lord reached in and found, this rough and filthy stone.From out of the immense darkness, He claimed me as His own.

The Christmas Tree Means This To Me
Is is a Holiday Tree or a Christmas tree? A few demand an Atheist Tree. Christians know it is a Christmas Tree.

The Lemonade STAND
We can't make "lemonade out of lemons." God does that ... like He does everything else. This is how I imagine the struggle we may sometimes have to believe Him.

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