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Here you will find poems about God, faith and many other topics dear to Christians. You can submit your own original poetry by joining. Click here, it's free. All poems are automatically entered into our monthly contest.
A Letter to Satan
I've been reflecting on the evil in the world and its source, so I thought I'd pen my thoughts, after researching in the Bible, on Satan.

2 Kings--Part 7--What Will Your Legacy Be?
2 Kings records three of Judah's best kings who left a legacy of righteousness. What will your legacy be?

Between Two Thieves
A Christian poem of faith.

The Rainbow
Rain clouds come,tears may flow; but trust in the Father above. He sends us the rainbow, showing His care and tender love.

A Greater Love
And though we cannot always see those stars that shine above - the clouds that sometimes frighten us can't stop agape love.

Tomorrow May Be Too Late
God wants us to be a witness everyday. Don't miss the opportunity to tell someone about Christ and His salvation. Matthew 28:18-20

The Cathedral
In our hearts is where the Savior lives. Christ sits upon the throne of our hearts!

He Can!
God's power is so great he can change a sparrow's flight to an eagle's. There's nothing he cannot do!

Until I'm In His Arms
While I know that I am saved and on my way to heaven, until I'm there, every day I plan to grow to be more like Jesus.

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